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We're finding more and more that we would like the ability to configure a home page action that can target objects from multiple OUs.

In other words, under "Object Selection" | Allow users to select the object to view | Allow selecting only AD objects located under a specific OU or container
- only provides the ability to select one OU.

I couldn't find a way to do this within an LDAP filter but was hoping you all might know a way around this.

Thanks in advance

by (610 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Unfortunately, it is impossible to build a LDAP filter like you want as Active Directory does not support LDAP DN matching rules.

We suggest the following workaround. You can create a Scheduled Task that will set a certain property of the objects located under the necessary containers to a value that you specify.

Here's an example of such a Scheduled Task that sets the Employee Type property to MyEmployeeType:

Then, when configuring the Target Object for a Home Page Action, you can use the property value that you specified in the LDAP filter field:

That should do the job.


Thanks for the response! While not ideal we might have to go this route.

Would this work with custom properties located in the ADAXES configuration DB vs properties that are written directly to the AD object?



You cannot use Adaxes virtual properties for this purpose as searching by virtual properties is not supported.


I tried targeting a Business Unit in the web configuration which essentially joins the objects of both OUs but I'm not able to return any results.

I'm guessing this behavior is expected (targeting BU in a home page action should not work) but is it something that is planned for a future release?



We don't plan to support that yet, but thanks for the suggestion. We will think about it.


Thanks again!

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