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when we have 1000 license and current active user is 1000, what will happen with below situation:

  1. We created new users directly from Active Directory. Will this user recognize by Adaxes? Will Adaxes still functioning?
  2. We create user though Adaxes. Will it possible or Adaxes will return some error?
by (170 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


Will this user recognize by Adaxes?


Will Adaxes still functioning?

If the new user is enabled and not expired, it will violate the license. You will have 30 days to remedy the issue before Adaxes stops functioning. It can be done by extending your license or adding specific users to the unmanaged list. For details on how to manage the list, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AddUsersToUnmanagedList.

Will it possible or Adaxes will return some error?

There will be no issues creating the user. However, counting the period for license violation will start.


So, if we violate the licence, Adaxes will still works for 30days and after that will stop functioning?



Yes, that is correct.


well noted. thanks.

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