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hello permission to ask about how to make a report based on time span, in my case, I want to create a report of the recently created user but the result of my script execution doesn't show anything.

here is the script from my code:

`# Get parameter values
$str = "%param-str%"
$end = "%param-end%"

$span = New-TimeSpan -Start $str -End $end

# Search filter
$filterUsers = "(&(sAMAccountType=805306368)(|(!(msExchRecipientTypeDetails=*))(!(msExchRecipientTypeDetails:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=7276219883574))))"
$filterCreatedAfter = "(whenCreated>=$span)"
$filter = "(&" + $filterUsers + $filterCreatedAfter + ")"

# Generate report

Output Script:


by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


To achieve the desired behavior, there is no need to use scripts. You can have the report generated based on search and use the following LDAP filter:


For more details on how to use value references, have a look at the following helpa rticle: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ValueReferences.


Thank you is solved

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