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Good Day

I've found what i want and is this Scripts Repository https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/output-the-last-time-a-distribution-list-received-mail-s122.htm. Is for Exchange on-premises

Is it possible to make it in to a Report with the addition to add one more then one Distribution?

Thank you

by (340 points)


Yes, it is possible. For us to provide you with details, please, clarify how you want to select groups for the report. Do you want to select all the groups manually or a scope (e. g. OU)? Any additional details and live examples will be much appreciated.



So, at the moment, a scope an OU. To be precise we have an OU where is called (Mail Distribution) and inside we have groups that are used for Distribution Mails. At a later time the multiple selection of group would not be bad idea. The Goal would be a Report were i can see when was a Distribution used to send mail. With timestamp and the name of the Group.

I hope I have provided some information.

1 Answer

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by (300k points)


Thank you for clarifying. Here is the script for generating the report. For information on how to create reports, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateReport.htm. In the script:

  • $messageDateColumnId – Specifies the identifier of the Date/time custom column that will store the mail delivery date. To get the identifier:
    1. In the Report-specific columns section, on the Columns tab, right-click the custom column.
    2. In the context menu, navigate to Copy and click Column ID.
    3. The column identifier will be copied to clipboard.
  • $exchangeServer - specifies the fully qualified domain name or IP address of your Exchange Server.
$messageDateColumnId = "{83354eeb-65f4-4fc8-a9b4-15ef27ea23d1}" # TODO: modify me
$exchangeServer = "exchangeServer.domain.com" # TODO: Modify me

    # Connect to the Exchange Server
    $session = New-PSSession -connectionURI "http://$exchangeServer/powershell" -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange
    Import-PSSession -session $session -AllowClobber -DisableNameChecking

    $searchIterator = $Context.DirectorySearcher.ExecuteSearch()
    while ($Context.MoveNext($searchIterator))
        $searchResult = $searchIterator.Current
        $mail = $searchResult.GetPropertyByName("mail").Values[0]
        $messageTrackingLog = Get-MessageTrackingLog -Recipients $mail -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object sender, timestamp | Sort timestamp -Descending
        if ($NULL -eq $messageTrackingLog)
            $messageDate = $NULL
            $messageDate = $messageTrackingLog[0].TimeStamp

        $Context.Items.Add($searchResult, @{$messageDateColumnId = $messageDate}, $NULL)
    if ($searchIterator) { $searchIterator.Dispose() }
    if ($session) { Remove-PSSession -Session $session }

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