Hello Michel,
Thank you for the confirmation. Below is the script that will send the report. In the script:
- $csvFilePath - Specifies the network path to the CSV file that will be created by the script.
- $removeCsvFile - Specifies whether to remove the CSV file after sending the email.
- $recipient - Specifies the email address of the notification recipient.
- $from - Specifies the email address the email notification will be sent from.
- $subject - Specifies the email notification subject. You can use value references in the subject (e.g. %fullname%) to add values of the target user properties.
- $message - Specifies the email notification text. You can use value references in the text (e.g. %fullname%) to add values of the target user properties.
- $smtpServer - Specifies the SMTP server that will be used to send the email notification.
# CSV file settings
$csvFilePath = "C:\Scripts\Report.csv" # TODO: modify me
$removeCsvFile = $True # TODO: modify me
# E-mail settings
$recipient = "recipient@domain.com" # TODO: Modify me
$from = "noreply@domain.com" # TODO: Modify me
$subject = "Mobile devices" # TODO: modify me
$message = "Mobile devices" # TODO: modify me
$smtpServer = "mail.domain.com" # TODO: Modify me
function GetDeviceAccessState ($mobileDevice)
switch ($mobileDevice.DeviceAccessState)
$deviceAccessState = "Unknown"
$deviceAccessState = "Access granted"
$deviceAccessState = "Access denied"
$deviceAccessState = "Quarantined"
$deviceAccessState = "Gathering information"
return $deviceAccessState
function GetStatus ($mobileDevice)
if ($mobileDevice.isWaitingForDeletion)
return "Deletion pending"
$status = $NULL
switch ($mobileDevice.WipeStatusLastCommitted)
$status = "Wipe pending"
$status = "Wipe succeeded"
$status = "Account-only wipe pending"
$status = "Account-only wipe succeeded"
if ($NULL -ne $status)
return $status
if ($mobileDevice.DeviceAccessStateLastCommitted -eq "ADM_MOBILE_DEVICE_ACCESS_STATE_ALLOWED")
return "OK"
return GetDeviceAccessState $mobileDevice
# Get mailbox parameters
$mailboxParams = $Context.TargetObject.GetMailParameters("ADM_GET_EXCHANGE_PARAMS_FLAGS_NONE")
# Get active sync feature
$activeSync = $mailboxParams.MailboxFeatures.GetItemByType("ADM_EXCHANGE_MAILBOXFEATURETYPE_ACTIVESYNC")
$records = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($mobileDevice in $activeSync.MobileDevices)
switch ($mobileDevice.DeviceAccessStateReason)
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Unknown"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Global permissions"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Individual assignment"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Device grouping permissions"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Upgrade grace period"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Security policy application"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Too many user agent changes"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Too many identical commands"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Too many Watsons"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Too many out of budget exceptions"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Too many identical sync commands"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Enable notification email"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Too many commands"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "AAD premium account compromised issue"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "AAD premium account compromised issue"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "AAD premium password compromised issue"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "AAD premium policy MFA issue"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "External mobile application management issue"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "External mobile device management compliance issue"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "External mobile device management enrollment issue"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "External mobile device management"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Access denied for Outlook desktop consumer user"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Interrupted for Outlook mobile upsell"
$DeviceAccessStateReason = "Unfamiliar location state issue"
switch ($mobileDevice.DevicePolicyApplicationStatus)
$devicePolicyApplicationStatus = "Unknown"
$devicePolicyApplicationStatus = "Not applied"
$devicePolicyApplicationStatus = "Applied in full"
$devicePolicyApplicationStatus = "Partially applied"
$devicePolicyApplicationStatus = "Externally managed"
$status = GetStatus $mobileDevice
$deviceAccessState = GetDeviceAccessState $mobileDevice
$recordProperties = [ordered]@{
"Status" = $status
"First Sync" = $mobileDevice.FirstSyncTime
"Last successful sync" = $mobileDevice.LastSuccessSync
"Folders synced" = $mobileDevice.NumberOfFoldersSynced
"Device name" = $mobileDevice.DeviceFriendlyName
"Device model" = $mobileDevice.DeviceModel
"Phone number" = $mobileDevice.DevicePhoneNumber
"Mobile network" = $mobileDevice.DeviceMobileOperator
"Device type" = $mobileDevice.DeviceType
"Device ID" = $mobileDevice.DeviceId
"Device IMEI" = $mobileDevice.DeviceImei
"Device OS" = $mobileDevice.DeviceOS
"Device language" = $mobileDevice.DeviceOSLanguage
"User agent" = $mobileDevice.DeviceUserAgent
"Client type" = $mobileDevice.ClientType
"Access state" = $deviceAccessState
"Access set by" = $DeviceAccessStateReason
"Policy applied" = $mobileDevice.DevicePolicyApplied
"Policy application status" = $devicePolicyApplicationStatus
"Policy updated" = $mobileDevice.LastPolicyUpdateTime
"ActiveSync version" = $mobileDevice.ClientVersion
$record = New-Object PSObject -Property $recordProperties
$records.ToArray() | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation
# Send mail
Send-MailMessage -to $recipient -From $from -Subject $subject -Body $message -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Attachments $csvFilePath
if ($removeCSVFile)
# Remove temporary file
Remove-Item $csvFilePath -Force