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Hello again,

I am setting up the Web Console so our support people can add users to groups. Currently when they go in they can select a user from all the users they can view. Then when adding the user to a group they could potentially add the user to another department's groups. What I'd like to be able to do is pull a value reference from the user they selected to add to the group.

For example if they select a user which has a "Department" property of HR I'm looking for a Value Reference I can put into the "Allow Selecting only Groups Located under a specific OU or container" field on the Target Group tab to make it so the support user can only select groups from the OU=Security Groups,OU=HR,OU=Departments,DC=Domain,DC=com Organizational Unit.

I played around a bit and it looks like the value references in the menu all point to the Logged in user so instead of pulling HR from the selected user's department property it pulls "Support" from the property of the Support technician logged into the web portal.

Is there a way to pull value references from the selected object?

by (810 points)

This would be useful. I am sorry if I missed the response, but was this answered?


No, Unfortunately I didn't get a response on this one.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


Sorry for a delayed reply. Currently, value references are resolved in the Web Interface only for the logged in user. It is not possible to insert a value reference that would be resolved for the target object.

As a workaround, we suggest using different Home Page Actions for different departments. For example, a Home Page Action for the HR Department will allow selecting only users whose department specified in AD is HR. Then, on the Target Group tab, you can specify that only groups located under OU=Security Groups,OU=HR,OU=Departments,DC=Domain,DC=com can be selected.


Thank you for the quick response. I would ask you consider this as a potential future enhancement. The work-around is helpful, but there have been a few scenarios where being able to reference attributes of the selected object would be helpful. Here are a couple of other examples where this feature would be useful:

1) Configure the manager selection field to filter based on users where the company name matches the selected user’s company (being able to set option lists based on the selected user);

2) Presenting the selected users email or phone number in a copy user form so that they become default options for the new user or the initiator can overwrite (being able to set values on forms based on selected object values)

Appreciate all the tool can already do and the support provided. Hope this makes the list for future enhancements.

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