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I have an issue with how phone numbers are rendered in the Web Interface.

My Forms and Views configuration looks like this

and when this is rendered in the web interface it looks like this;

You will notice that the Mobile Phone (Other) (otherMobile) property is appended onto the Mobile Phone (mobile) property display.

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the web interface behaviour so that the Mobile Phone field will only show the mobile property?

(it is worth noting that in the other forms Create / modify, the property is handled as expected)

by (370 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Sam,

Currently, that can't be done, but starting from the next major version of Adaxes, the Web Interface will not append values stored in the Mobile Phone (Other) property when displaying the Mobile Phone property.


Ok. When is the next major release due?



We cannot provide a more or less exact date at the moment. We are targeting the end of summer, but this is a very approximate time frame.

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