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Hi - random PowerShell question (I do seem to ask more PowerShell questions than Adaxes questions...!).

We have a little bit of code to return the current value of an AD attribute as below, and it should update a different timestamp attribute in AD after reading it.

I have it almost working but am 'very' bad at working out how to properly convert variables in PowerShell, and need to create "$newNums" which is derived from a Date\Time stamp, into a Windows NT time numeric value, then into an Adaxes.ADSI.LongInteger (I think!).

        # Set new timestampin 24 hours
        $newTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(1)

        $newNums= << Can’t work out how to convert the GetDate format timestamp to a “Windows Time” Adaxes format Long Integer>>

        $pc.Put("<<attribute>>", $newNums)

Anyone who can work this out is my hero..!


by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


This one will work:

# Set new timestampin 24 hours
$newTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(1)

$newNums= [Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.ADsLargeInteger]$newTime.ToFileTime()

$pc.Put("<<attribute>>", $newNums)

Thanks - it's always so easy when you see it on paper!

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