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I've been tasked with writing a SQL Server Reporting Services report of our AD data and at least one Adaxes custom attribute. SSRS has the following built-in data source options:

Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Azure
Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
Report Server Model
SAP NetWeaver BI
Hyperion Essbase

I believe we need to query Adaxes to include the custom attribute along with the AD objects, and I believe none of these data sources connect directly to Adaxes. Do you know of a good approach to my task?

Edit 6-28: It looks like I need to use the Softerra ADSI Provider API, a .NET3.5 WCF service, and a report that reads an XML data source. The WCF service will query Adaxas/AD via the ADSI provider, then expose a constructed dataset to the SSRS report.

by (40 points)

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