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Is there a way to autogenerate passphrases instead of generating random character passwords?

Passphrase examples: repetition temper calculator powder northern busy

by (160 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you need to achieve. Do you want passwords for new users be randomly picked from a predefined list? A live example of the desired behaviour would be much appreciated.


When creating a new user or changing a current user's password, we have an option to ‘generate’ a random password (screenshot attached). Instead of generating a random password with random characters, is there an option to generate a random passphrase? An example of a random passphrase would be ‘repetition temper calculator’ or ‘powder northern busy.’ So when I click 'generate', instead of a random alphanumeric password (example: 'o2C5Kzk7D8JpPw6'), can it create a random passphrase of words (example: 'tie fight worry due')


1 Answer

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by (296k points)


Thank you for clarifying. Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.


Thank you. If this were to be approved by the corresponding department would there be a notification sent out?



If the feature is approved, we will update this thread once the feature is released.



Just wondering if this feature has been made available?

Thank you,


Hello David,

Unfortunately, the feature is not available. Currently, there are no such plans.

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