Do you include options for complex workflows? Such as API or csv/tsv files from ADP and other companies for automated provisioning and de-provisioning users based on their work status?
Yes, it is possible using PowerShell scripts. For details on using scripts to import CSV files, have a look at the corresponding section of the following tutorial:
When creating a new user through the webinterface, the password is generated based on the template configured in the 'user pattern'. The domain password policy can also ... the webinterface and preventing the 'password not required' AD attribute being set.)
Hello, I'm using the reset user password but having issues when sending that generated password via email - Username info is attached correctly in the email but the password info is blank. Can you please advise. Thanks, Darren
Is is possible to have complex conditions or groups f conditions in business rules? For example, We want to send for approval if any of these attributes are updated AND it ... one attribute changed. Any suggestions on how to accomplish what I am looking to do?
I have a scheduled task that runs a custom command that itself has multiple custom commands that run in a specific timed order. I would like the scheduler to run that top level ... , but Command B and C will wait for Command A to finish. Is this possible?
WorkFlow : From Adaxes, how can the Director or Assistant validate the employee’s "Job Title" modification request?