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Is there a way to receive an email if a FAILED operation status is logged to Logging?

by (20 points)

I would aswell love an idea how this could be handled. I think if there is an custom command triggered and sned for approval, the user doesn't see the status of the executed command right?

I've seen the possibilities to send a report for all failures, may this could be extended a bit or is there sth. out of the box? Kind regards, Constantin


Hello Constantin,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility for custom commands. However, you can send an email notification if certain operations are failing. To do so, a business rule triggering after the operations execution can be used. In the rule the operation result must be checked and if it is failed, then send the notification. For example, to send an email notification if the create user operation fails, a business rule like below can be used: image.png

1 Answer

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by (14.9k points)


You can schedule the Errors in Adaxes log built-in report and configure it to deliver the generated report via email. For details on how to schedule reports, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_ScheduleReports.htm.

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