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Following an update from Adaxes 2016 to 2021.1 we noticed that the date format on the email notifications is no longer English UK, but English US, i.e. MMDDYYYY.

Is there a way to change this formatting globally as opposed to having to go through every scheduled task/business rule that sends a notification and changing the variable?

Thanks, Gary

by (490 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)

Hello Gary,

Date/time value references specified in automation actions (e.g. in business rules) resolve according to the regional Windows settings on the computer where Adaxes service is installed. This behaviour is by design in Adaxes 2021.1. To achieve the desired behaviour, you can change the settings to English UK.



I appreciate that is what you've said before, but previously the response was to reinstall the Windows OS in English UK which can't be done as that is not an option.

So your advice is that for every single task that generates an email I will need to manually go in and set the attributes to format in DD/MM/YYYY?

Thank you Gary


Hello Gary,

Yes, that is correct.


Thanks, I don't see how this benefits anyone that uses your system that isn't US date format natively (which is around 5 countries). Where the NON-US date format is typical formatting, i.e. DD/MM/YYYY

Is there a features request option where I can submit the ability to be able to select the global formatting of date formats

Thanks, Gary


Hello Gary,

It is not about en-US, but about the culture selected during Windows installation. We already forwarded the request to the corresponding department for consideration.


Thanks, do you think reinstalling Adaxes will resolve the date issue? As previously stated there is no English UK date format OS install, it's always an add-in after the install.

I've also just noticed that this also affects scheduled reports. There is no option (that I can find) that I can amend to change the output, is there an option?

Thanks, Gary

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