0 votes

We would like to be able to, possibly through a script or report, search for attributes that equal specific values and find all rule-based groups that used those rules.

An example would be providing the name of a company (e.g. Company = Contoso) and being able to list all rule-based groups that use that in their query set.

by (20 points)


Do we understand correctly that you want to select a property and a value for it which will result in providing the list of rule-based groups that use both to filter members? If that is correct, the report will look like the following: image.png Does this meet your needs?



We were actually able to determine the needed script to pull in the group filter data which resulted in a similar report to what you mentioned so this should be resolved.

For context, the below is what we used behind our report to successfully pull the correct groups when given a property name and value:

$membershipTypeProperty = "adm-GroupMembershipType"
$distinguishedNameProperty = "distinguishedName"
$filter = "(%param-PropertyName%=%param-PropertyValue%)"
    $Context.DirectorySearcher.SearchParameters.Filter = "(objectCategory=group)"

    # Add property necessary to generate the report

    $searchResultIterator = $Context.DirectorySearcher.ExecuteSearch()
    while ($Context.MoveNext($searchResultIterator))
        $searchResult = $searchResultIterator.Current
        $membershipType = [int]$searchResult.Properties[$membershipTypeProperty].Value
        if ($membershipType -eq 1)


            # Connect to the Adaxes service
            $admNS = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdmNamespace"
            $admService = $admNS.GetServiceDirectly("localhost")

            # Bind to the group
            $groupDN = $searchResult.GetPropertyByName("distinguishedName").Values[0]
            $group = $admService.OpenObject("Adaxes://$groupDN", $NULL, $NULL, 0)
            $rules = $group.MembershipRules

            foreach ($rule in $rules) {    
                if($rule.Type -eq "ADM_BUSINESSUNITMEMBERSHIPTYPE_QUERY") {
                    if($rule.Filter -match $filter) {
    if ($searchResultIterator) 

Update here - this method seems to no longer work with the 2023 change to criteria for rule-based groups.

Is there a way to still access the individual rules/criteria to allow for filtering to groups with a specific query parameter?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)


Yes, below is the updated script.

$propertyName = "%param-PropertyName%"
$propertyValue = "%param-PropertyValue%"

    $groupCriteria = New-AdmCriteria -Type "group" -Expression {membershipType -eq "rule-based"}

    $criteriaToCompare = New-AdmCriteria -Expression {$propertyName -eq $propertyValue}    
    $criteriaJsonToCompare = $criteriaToCompare.Item("*").Items.ToJson($null)
    $searchResultIterator = $Context.DirectorySearcher.ExecuteSearch()
    while ($Context.MoveNext($searchResultIterator))
        $searchResult = $searchResultIterator.Current
        $group = $Context.BindToObjectBySearchResult($searchResult)

        foreach ($rule in $group.MembershipRules) 
            if ($rule.Type -ne "ADM_BUSINESSUNITMEMBERSHIPTYPE_QUERY")

            $criteria = $rule.GetCriteria()
            if ($criteria.ToJson($NULL) | Select-String -Pattern $criteriaJsonToCompare -SimpleMatch)
    if ($searchResultIterator) 


is it possible to execute this search also directly in PowerShell on the Adaxes server?



No, the script can only be used to generate a report in Adaxes and cannot be modified to generate the same report in Windows PowerShell.


Ok, I tried to setup this report but no results are shown - I must have missed something^^

image.png image.png image.png

Under script I pasted the script above Then I tried this search image.png

But not result is shown ... I would expect at least this group to be shown image.png



The behavior is expected as your parameter configuration is incorrect. The PropertyName parameter must be of the Property name picker type, not the Edit box one.


Woooooow ... yeah working now - THANKS!

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