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I would like to delete users that have been disabled for more then X number of days.

This would be a phase of our deprovisioning process. The user is first disabled and placed in a "disabled" ORG unit. After the account sits in this ORG unit for X number of days and we are sure that we no longer need it, I would like to automaticially delete it.

by (380 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


To achieve the desired, you need a business rule triggering After disabling a user account and a scheduled task. The rule will set a custom date attribute to a future date by adding the required number of days. When the time comes, the scheduled task will delete the user. Finally, you should have something like the following:

Business rule image.png Scheduled task image.png


I ended up using "CustomAttributeDate3" so I could run additional logic. I added a date stamp to CustomAttributeDate3 when the account is suspended/disabled. From there I can trigger additional scheduled actions such as deleting the account automaticially after 60 days using '%datetime,-60%'. It all seems to work now. Thanks!



Thank you for the confirmation. For your information, CustomAttributeDate1 was just an example. You can use any of Adaxes custom date attributes that are not involved in other workflows.

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