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Is it possible to pass a comma-separated list of users (firstname.lastname or emails) in a parameter instead of a CSV? How does it translate to an array of usernames for the script to then verify as disabled in AD?

Ideally, this would appear as an Action that would execute the custom command on Adaxes interface and they can just copy and paste their list in there.

The script would then present the list of disabled users to the user in the Adaxes interface. Or can the script only email the list of disabled users?

related to an answer for: Search if a list of users already exists
by (80 points)


This can be done using a report with a text parameter. Users can paste the required data into the parameter, a script will check the corresponding users and output them. If the approach meets your needs, please, provide an example of the data to be entered and specify the property whose value will be specified. It is recommended to use a property whose value is unique (e.g. sAMAccountName) to avoid duplicates in the report.

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