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I use another product (being replaced by Adaxes) that creates a CSV file of users exported from AD. The CSV is then imported to a SQL Database where it is joined with other data.

I am trying to replicate the report in Adaxes, but keep running into an error, "the number of diplayed columns is limited to 20" and I need to export 20 fields. I guess I understand the 20 columns may be to maintain performance for an interactive display, but this is really only needed for export.

I tried to create a schedule and add the columns in the scheduled job but have the same issue.

Is there something simple I am missing? Is this a hard limitation of Adaxes?

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)

Hello Shawn,

This is a hardcoded limitation in Adaxes for reports. There is no way to have a report with more than 20 columns in it in Adaxes. As an option, you can use a script to create the CSV file. For an example, have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/export-user-properties-to-csv-file-s623.htm.


The script itself works well, thank you. I am new to Adaxes and have a basic understanding of Powershell. I am trying to limit the scope to all users in a specific OU and all users in the subtree. I am going to work on figuring it out, but if you have any suggestions, that would be great.



To achieve the desired, use Script 2: Export properties of all users from the article in a scheduled task configured for the Organizational Unit object type. Make sure for the Activity Scope to include the OU itself, not the entire subtree. image.png


Thank you. I had tried that, but I am still getting all results. It isn't critical, getting the entire report running is better. I can filter out data in SQL.


This is running a query directly against AD, if I understand it correctly. One value I had in my other report was the OU the object existed in. When I look in AD the object canonical-name is listed, but that is a constructed value and there isn't a direct AD attribute that is easily accessible. I see Adaxes has a canonical-name that I can include in a standard report. Any suggestions on how to access that?

For example, if my object canonical-name is: domain.com/OU/SubOU1/SubOU1-2/Jack Brown

The other report gave me the OU of the object: domain.com/OU/SubOU1/SubOU1-2/J

The closest I can find in AD Attributes is the distinguishedName: CN=Jack Brown,OU=SbuOU1-2,OU=SubOU,OU=OU,DC=domain,DC=com

Thank you again for all the help.



Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what report column you mean. As per our check, Canonical-Name (LDAP name canonicalName) is the only attribute that matches your reference. However, there is no attribute containing a user path without its name. That is something that can only be built explicitly in the script for each user.


So sorry! I was using "canonical-name" and simply fixing it without the "-" is collecting the user object in the better format. I will use that to get the OU object, that should be easy enough to just trim off the last "\" and any text after it.

Thank you for the help! I am all set.

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