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I'm trying to run a find starting at a certain OU of the tree to include only user accounts that are not disabled, and then I want to export that to Excel for someone else to mess with.

I've run into a couple problems.

Problem #1 is that no amount of filtering on User Properties is allowing me to exclude disabled accounts. As best I can tell, I need to set "Account Options" and then "not equals" either "Account is Disabled" or "Account is Locked", but this doesn't work (the results pane still lists accounts that are disabled).

Additionally, when I export to Excel, I am only interested in first/last name, e-mail address, a few other basic attributes ("Company," "Title," etc) plus I need to know what OU the account is located in. During the export process I can specify that I only want certain columns/attributes, but the "ou" attribute is blank on all of the exported records. :? I can obviously look at the DN column in the export, but that also contains the user's name so it isn't easy to sort on that column without first running the column through some scripting to chop off the first portion of the DN entry, which is a pain.

Any thoughts?

by (260 points)

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