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We have an Adaxes server that we use that was setup by someone whom is no longer with us. There is a section in the web interface that a standard user uses that has an extra input field randomly in the form which is preventing executing the action PS1 script properly. The docs mention a "Web Interface Component" that should be used, but I just see Adaxes Console and Adaxes PowerShell Module. I checked the Powershell Module for something that may help but came up empty.

I just need to remove an input field from a form that standard users fill out on one of the web pages Adaxes has setup in IIS. Suggestions?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (14.9k points)


Adaxes Web interface is configured via the Web interface configurator. By default, it is available by the link like this:


Where host.domain.com is the FQDN of the computer where the Adaxes Web interface component is installed. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to determine on which computer in your environment the Web interface component with the Web interface configurator is installed. You can try checking Windows Programs and Features on computers to see where the Softerra Adaxes components are installed. Then, check IIS on these computers to verify if there are websites hosting the AdaxesConfig application present.



Once you find the Web interface configurator, you can use it to configure the required form in the required Web interface. For details on how to modify forms, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CustomizeFormsForUserCreationAndEditing.

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