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Good Afternoon,

I am running into an issue with UPN Suffixes.
Currently, our domain is set to "ad.example.org"
I need to create new users with a UPN Suffix of "example.org" without the ad.
I have tried setting example.org to an adm-extensionattribute2 and setting the user logon name to %firstname%.%lastname%@adm-extensionattribute2
This does add the correct UPN, but it does not allow the user to logon normally. They have to type the fully user logon every time. EX: john.doe@example.org
I have also tried updating it in the user patterns but this creates the same issue.
Do you have a powershell script or method to accomplish this?

Thank you!


by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer

Hello James,

You can configure Web Interface Sign In page for users to enter their usernames only. It will require specifying a Default domain for the Web Interface. To do so:

  1. Launch Adaxes Web Interface Customization Tool.

  2. Select the Web Interface type and active the Sign In tab.

  3. Click Configure Username Options.

  4. Select Allow users to enter their username without the domain part .

  5. Select the Default domain (ad.example.org in your case) and click Apply.

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