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We have a pretty complex AD environment and we use CSV files from Human Resources as the data source. Are there any tutorials or recommendations on using a SQL database to keep information straight in Adaxes?

by (3.2k points)

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by (294k points)
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It is possible to create new and update existing user accounts based on the information from an SQL database using Powershell scripts. For information on how to do this, check the following script in our repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... e-s249.htm.


I have been reading that the timeout for Adaxes is 10 minutes. The DB we would using houses near 10,000 employees and countless tables. We had the idea that we would use this DB as our definitive data source and alter (modify or create) accounts based on the information in the DB daily.

  • Will we need to break up the cycle to get all the way through?

  • Is this a recommended practice?

  • Do you have recommendations on other ways to keep the data up to date?

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