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Are we are to create a custom report that queries AD for a specific attribute?

by (3.2k points)

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by (294k points)
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There is no possibility to create custom AD Reports. However, we already have it in our Product Backlog and will be considering it for future releases.

Meanwhile, you can run custom reports using PowerShell scripts. Could you provide us with all the details about the required report and we will write a sample script for you?


Thank you and definitely would be a huge bonus to be able to select reports based on attributes in AD. We are looking to use a custom Boolean Attribute for a trigger to cancel service once an employee leaves the company. We currently are using CustomAttributeBoolean1 set to true and once we deprovision a user that has this attribute set to true, will send an email to our ticketing system and automatically create a ticket for cancellation.



Have a look at the following script in our repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... e-s405.htm.

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