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Is there a way to store information throughout the running of a custom command? For instance, when creating a user, we use a custom command to move the user to an OU and then another to apply permissions by job title, etc. Is there are a way to return failures, such as if the OU doesn't exist or job title not recognised and then include that in an email notification at the end that is sent by the parent command that is calling these other commands? I understand that this can be included within the custom commands themselves but would prefer one report generated over the entire process with the information, rather than 5 or 6 generated throughout the process.

by (180 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)

Hello Gareth,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. As an option, you can use built-in reports Adaxes log and Errors in Adaxes log. Out of the box, the reports are located in container Reports\All reports\Miscellaneous\Logging. For details on scheduling reports, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ScheduleReports.


Thanks for the infomation, I worked out a workaround in the end utilising the adm-custom attributes. Rather than sending out emails when an issue occured, I marked custom attributes to TRUE and then ran a command at the end looking for these attributes

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