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I have created a template user account for each job role in my company. I copy these users to create users so that all new users are assigned all required groups. I want to create an automated process so that when I update these template users all users with the same job role will also be updated. Is it possible to build a business rule that could trigger when any of these templates are added or removed from a group? I would want to then add or remove all users with a matching job role from the same group.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


It can be done using a business rule triggering After adding or removing a member from a group like the following: image.png The conditions in the rule should correspond to all the template users that you have. The script will get the Job Title of the template member, find all other users with the same property value and add or remove them from the target group. The following article should be helpful in writing the script: https://adaxes.com/sdk/ServerSideScripting. If you face issues writing the script yourself, please, specify the version of Adaxes you are using. For information on how to check it, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.


I am running 3.15.20916.0 can you please assist with script



We will gladly help you with the script. Please, specify whether it should search for users to be added/removed from groups in all the domains managed by Adaxes or the scope should be determined in some way (e.g. the OU where the template user is located)? Any additional details will be much appreciated.


there is an OU that contains all template user accounts. I need something that says if any user in the template OU is added or removed from a group search for all users under the users OU that match %jobrole% and %city% and add or remove the same group



I need something that says if any user in the template OU is added or removed from a group

Unfortunately, that is not possible. The thing is that when a member is added or removed from a group, it is the group that is being updated. As such, the business rule can only be assigned over groups, not users. The behavior comes from AD itself and is not related to Adaxes.

search for all users under the users OU that match %jobrole% and %city% and add or remove the same group

What exactly do you mean by match %jobrole% and %city%? Please, provide live examples on this portion.

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