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we have some Computers, where the Self Service Password Reset Web Interface, on the logon page, is displayed in English.
If somebody is logged on, the language is German. All locale system settings, as far as we know, are set to German.
I have already found this Topic [SOLVED] Force language for Password Self-Service page, but we don’t want to force the language for everyone.

Does anybody know, which Registry-Keys we have to check?


by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer


When displaying the Web Interface on the logon screen, Internet Explorer uses the default user settings for language. The default language is selected based on the original locale that was used when installing Windows. To change it, you need to update the configuration of Internet Explorer.

You can configure the language for a specific computer in the registry editor or administratively for multiple computers in your Active Directory environment via Group Policies. Second method works only for all computers in a domain or in an Organizational Unit.

Let us know which way suits you better and we will provide you with detailed instructions.


I think, a Group Policy would be the better idea, since we don’t exactly know how many computers have the wrong setting.



Thank you for the confirmation. You can configure the language administratively for multiple computers in your AD environment as follows:

  1. Log on to your domain controller as a Domain Administrator.

  2. Run the Microsoft Management Console:

    • Press Win+R.
    • Type mmc /a.
    • Press Enter.
  3. Press Ctrl+M. This will bring up the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog.

  4. Select Group Policy Management and click Add >.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Group Policy Management console, navigate to the OU with the target computers and right-click it.
    **- or -**
    Right-click the domain if you want to apply the settings to the whole domain.

  7. Click Create a GPO in this domain and Link it here.

  8. Enter a name for the GPO and click OK.

  9. Right-click the GPO you've created and click Edit.

  10. Navigate to Computer Configuration\Preferences\Windows Settings node.

  11. Right-click Registry, select New and click Registry Item.

  12. Specify the following settings:

    • Action: Create.
    • Hive: HKEY_USERS.
    • Key Path: .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.
    • Value name: Select the Default checkbox.
    • Value type: REG_SZ.
    • Leave the Value data field empty.
  13. Click Apply and then click OK.

  14. Right-click the Registry node, select New and click Registry Item again.

  15. Specify the following settings:

    • Action: Create.
    • Hive: HKEY_USERS.
    • Key Path: .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International.
    • Value name: Select the Default option.
    • Value type: REG_SZ.
    • Leave the Value data field empty.
  16. Click Apply and then click OK.

  17. Right-click the Registry node, select New and click Registry Item again.

  18. Specify the following settings:

    • Action: Replace.
    • Hive: HKEY_USERS.
    • Key Path: .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International.
    • Value name: AcceptLanguage.
    • Value type: REG_SZ.
    • Value data: input the language abbreviation (e.g. en-US for English).
  19. Click Apply and then click OK.

The settings will be applied to computers within the GPO scope as soon as they refresh group policies applied to them.


Thank you very much! This Topic can be marked as SOLVED!

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