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We have multiple business rules related to the modification of user properties which are specifically tailored for certain tasks. I'm trying to add another business rule which updates the user notes in AD whenever "Modify User" is used. However other business rules are triggering whenever I try to use this. I've tried using specific conditions and adding in various placeholders in an attempt to stop the other business rules triggering. Both business rules fall under "After updating a user". Is there a simple way to add in blockers to stop this from happening?

Please see the two business rules below:

The first rule is to update the notes when user details are modified and the 'confirm changes' boolean equals Yes. image.png

The second rule is used to disable a user and move them to the chosen OU. image.png

They have their own separate functions in the web interface. When I use "Modify User" both business rules trigger but I only want the first rule to trigger.

Hopefully this makes sense. Thanks in advance!

by (350 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


To achieve the desired, you need to use the If <property> changed condition in such a way that corresponding business rules trigger only upon certain property updates. Also, make sure to keep the If operation succeeded condition in all action sets of all business rules triggering After an operation. For example, the below business rule will only trigger when Job Title of a user is changed to IT Staff from something else: image.png

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