0 votes

So I need an approval process before adaxes executes a custom command to create a user. Basicaly an HR group and a Privacy group have to approve. what i have is set up like this:image.png First Approval goes out but the second one waits until the first one has been approved. I want them to go out at the same time.

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (292k points)


The behavior is by design. To achieve the desired, you need to have a single action and specify both groups in the approvers list: image.png


If somone from grouP 1 approves, will it still require someone from group 2 to approve?


So I tested this out and If any user in either group approves, the action will take place. Unfortunetly I need both groups to independantly approve. So if a user in groupA approves the action doesn't happen until both approve.



The behaviour is expected. Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve what you need with a single Send this operation for approval action. You can only use the approach from your initial request.

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