because Adaxes does not support PS7, and PS5 does not provide all the functionality we require, we want to cr
What exactly do you mean by want to cr?
I am trying to use this script from the script repository: I ... if I just didn't install it correctly because Adaxes Powershell doesn't recognize it.
Hello, New to this program and we are setting it up now. I wanted to know if there is a least permissions setup for the Service account. I dont want to have an account that ... that can still be a service account for Adaxes and manage limited OU's in my AD.
So if i want to run an external program and use a script i would put - cscript.exe registerUser.vbs ... but where should this script be saved to for adaxes to pick it up?
Currently when you create a Custom command you have to do two things one I have to go to conf manager page and uncheck and I have to put zz to make it funnel to the ... will never be an action button just a recall to buttons I provide for people to use.
We currently have a custom command implemented that sends a remove passcode command to a DEP managed iOS device. The script works fine when testing in the Adminstration console, ... { $Context.LogMessage("Failing to send Wipe command", "Warning") return } }