0 votes

I have several windows powershell scripts that work perfectly with AD- however, I can not get these to run as an Adaxes script (Scheduled Task)

It is very simple, as I include below. Any help would be most appreciated, as I will not always be available to run these reports monthly.

$dist = ForEach ($group in (Get-DistributionGroup -Filter {name -like "*project distribution list"})) 
       {  Get-DistributionGroupMember $group | Select @{Label="Group";Expression={$Group.Name}},@{Label="User";Expression={$_.Name}},PrimarySMTPAddress 
    $dist | Sort Group,User | Export-CSV PDL-Members1.csv -NoTypeInformation
# Rename-Item -Path PDL-Members.csv -NewName PDL-Members_Con1_$(Get-Date -f yyyy_MM_dd).csv
by (70 points)


Can you post the error messages and/or warnings that you get? Also, is it the complete script or only a part of it?


Hi support,

This is the complete script from adaxes, have tried to break it down to a single group name to extract members details - so there are commented sections included as well. The activity history show blank ...



$filePath = 'd:\adaxes\pdl-mbrs.csv'

Import-Module Adaxes

$identity =  Get-AdmGroup "983pdl" # sAMAccountName
$members = Get-AdmGroupMember -Identity $identity -AdaxesService localhost

foreach ($member in $members)
 $dist = $member.Name

$dist | Export-CSV $filepath -NoTypeInformation

# $members | Export-CSV d:\adaxes\imbrs.csv -NoTypeInformation
( $members = Get-AdmGroupMember -Identity $identity ) # -AdaxesService localhost )

$dist = foreach ($member in $members)
  #  Write-Host $member.Name

$dist | Sort Group,User | Export-CSV $filepath -NoTypeInformation



Import-Module Adaxes

$identity = "SalesGroup" # sAMAccountName
# $identity = "CN=SalesGroup,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com" # DN
# $identity = "{EB5FEB21-E648-42AD-B86C-89D3C6807953}" # GUID
# $identity = "S-1-5-21-573937-2149998-410785" # SID

$members = Get-AdmGroupMember -Identity $identity -Server "domain.com" `
    -AdaxesService localhost

foreach ($member in $members)
    Write-Host $member.Name

#Import-Module Adaxes
#$filePath = 'd:\adaxes\test.csv'

#$groups = (Get-AdmGroup -Filter {name -like "*Project Distribution List"} | Select-Object -Property DistinguishedName)

#$Grp = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $groups | Where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} |Get-ADUser -Properties Title,Department|Select Name,Title,Department,SamAccountName,DistinguishedName

#$Grp | Export-CSV -Path d:\adaxes\test1.csv -NoTypeInformation

# ForEach ($grp in $groups)
#       {  
#        $dist = (Get-AdmGroupMember $grp | Select-Object -Property Name)
#dist$ = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "CN=970 - Hazelhurst Court - Project Distribution List,OU=Distribution Lists PF,OU=IT,OU=Holdings,DC=Rydon,DC=Group" -Recursive 
#       Get-DistributionGroupMember $group | Select @{Label="Group";Expression={$Group.Name}},@{Label="User";Expression={$_.Name}},PrimarySMTPAddress 
#       }
# DistinguishedName 

#$groups | Export-CSV d:\adaxes\groups.csv -NoTypeInformation

#$grp | Export-CSV d:\adaxes\grp.csv -NoTypeInformation

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