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I have this Script to check if a condition is met

# The condition is met if $Context.ConditionIsMet is set to $True.
$Context.ConditionIsMet = $False

$inputString = "%adm-DescriptionOfOperationToApprove%"

$pattern1 = "^Create.*\(DOMAIN\.COM\\OU\\OU\\Object Creation\\Group Creation (Development|Portfolio|Domain)\).*$"
$pattern2 = "^Run PowerShell script 'Update group and owner group' for .*?\(DOMAIN\.COM\\OU\\OU\\Distribution Groups\\(Development teams|Domains|Portfolios)\).*$"

if ($inputString -match $pattern1) {
    $Context.ConditionIsMet = $True
elseif ($inputString -match $pattern2) {
    $Context.ConditionIsMet = $True
else {


However, the condition is never met, the Script is never matching the pattern. image.png

Running the same script directly in ISE, is working fine. I even saved the value of adm-DescriptionOfOperationToApprove into a file, and loaded it into my ISE script to use the exact same value ... working ...

Is there any syntax change to be considered or issue with this match function using in a "if script returns true" condition?

by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


We cannot comment on why the script works in Windows PowerShell. The reason is that value references (%adm-DescriptionOfOperationToApprove% in this case) do not work in it and you had to manually populate the $inputString variable. At the same time, it is expected for the script to always fail in Adaxes as the operation descriptions never match the patterns. Here are examples of the values the %adm-DescriptionOfOperationToApprove% value reference can resolve into in your case:

Create 'My group (compaony.com\Groups)'  ↲ Group Name: 'My Group', Group Type: 'Global, Security' ↲ Group Name (pre-Windows 2000): 'mygroup' ↲

Run PowerShell script 'Run PowerShell script 'Update group and owner group' for My group (domain.com\Groups)'

Really strange ... as you can see, I added an else action to my business rule.

This is basically the same script/check as within the "if script returns true" condition.

During an test with updating group, the condition was not met, however the script shows matched pattern ... image.png


$inputString = "%adm-DescriptionOfOperationToApprove%"
$inputString = $inputString.Trim()

$inputString2 = $inputString.Split("`n")

$pattern1 = "^Create.*\XXX\\Group Creation (Development|Portfolio|Domain)\).*$"

$pattern2 = "^Run PowerShell script 'Update group and owner group' for .*?\XXX(Development teams|Domains|Portfolios)\).*$"

$Context.LogMessage("$inputString", "Information")
$Context.LogMessage("$inputString2", "Information")
$Context.LogMessage("$pattern1", "Information")
$Context.LogMessage("$pattern2", "Information")

if ($inputString -match $pattern1) {
    $output = "Matched pattern 1: Create Group Creation"
    $Context.LogMessage("$output", "Information")
elseif ($inputString -match $pattern2) {
    $output = "Matched pattern 2: Update Group and Owner Group"
    $Context.LogMessage("$output", "Information")
else {
    $output = "No match found"
    $Context.LogMessage("$output", "Information") 


This is working fine, but I would need one check for each pattern ...




Actually, you can use Else If blocks instead. For details and examples, see section Else If and Else blocks of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AutomateUserProvisioning/#else-if-and-else-blocks.

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