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We need to be able to put the name of the person requesting a account be disabled into the following custom command. We have in the past changed the description line to reflect the following: 'Disabled per {requestor} on current date and time by {Helpdesk username}. We tried using the variable %input% in the script below but it did not stop and allow input. Can you advise?

by (3.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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In the template you are using for Description field value references (except for those containing initiator) are resolved from the Custom Command target object. To achieve what you need, Help Desk operators will need to enter the name of the requestor into one of DN syntax attributes of the target account (e.g. seeAlso) that is not in use and then execute the Custom Command.

The template for Description field in the Custom Command should be as follows: Disabled per %seeAlso% on %datetime% by %initiator%.

For information on how to add an attribute to Modify form, check the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Conf ... iting.html.


Thank you, does does provide the desired result except it gives the Name and AD location. See below:

Disabled per CN=Cynthia Shortt,OU=PSC 2,OU=PSC,OU=ADMI,DC=admi,DC=com on 1/20/2017 12:46:31 PM by RHavener@admi.com

We would like just the person Common Name (CN) to be inputted or worse case the same as the initiator with the @admi.com at the end.



This can be achieved using a PowerShell script. To do so:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.

  2. Navigate to the Custom Command and select it.

  3. Double-click Modify the user action.

  4. Select Run a program or PowerShell script.

  5. Enter a short description and paste the following script into the Script field:

     $descriptionTemplate = "Disabled per {0} on %datetime% by %initiator%" # TODO: modify me
     $requestorDNAttribute = "seeAlso" # TODO: modify me
     # Get requestor name
         $requestorDNs = $Context.TargetObject.GetEx($requestorDNAttribute)
         $requestor = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($requestorDNs[0])
         $requestorName = $requestor.Get("name")
         $requestorName = [System.String]::Empty
     # Build description
     $description = [System.String]::Format($descriptionTemplate, $requestorName)
     # Update user description
     $Context.TargetObject.Put("description", $description)

    The {0} placeholder in the template will be replaced with the name of the user specified in the See Also field.

  6. Click OK and save the changes.


Works perfectly, as always thank you for the assistance.

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