When will this function/feature be available?
Unfortunately, there is currently no ETA for the feature. However, it will definitely be available in one of the future releases of Adaxes.
Can you clarify the answer as it's a bit confusing? Will there be new major release available this month?
I am looking for a way to have approvers modify a tentative user account before approval. Is this feature available yet?
Will Dynamic forms in Web Interface be included in this release? We are in the midle of deploying the solution and the dynamics web forms will be a game changer for us.
it's been over a year since the last release. i've up voted many feature requests. when will there be a new major release?
Adaxes really needs this i.e. "Here's this list of 20 users can you add them to the Marketing group" - right now you have to do them one at a time which is a real kludge. I ... there's any timescale please? We're on 2013.2 if I'm just not seeing it. Thanks :)