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Is it possible to create a 100% custom form to extend Adaxes functionality further?

For example, my company has a number of agencies whose data is currently in a big mess.
I'm starting a project to split the data per agency and as part of this I'm going to lock down access.
There will be occasions where someone from agency 1 needs access to a client or product from agency 2 and I'm hoping that the helpdesk staff will be able to grant this access through an Adaxes form - this would then mean that we can specify how long the access is required for and have Adaxes contact people when the access should be removed, or remove the group and folder permissions should the group become empty meaning that we don't end up with thousands of obsolete security groups.

Hoping you can help



by (2.0k points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer

Hello Matt,

Have a look at the following post on our forum: Custom Command That Does Not Execute on Object.



Sorry for the delay and thanks for the link, I should be able to get this to work for my purposes.



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