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I set up a scheduled task to disabled expired accounts. The date is set to AD by our HR software - always set to %date% 12:00 AM.

My condition is set to: image.png

I noticed more than expected accounts got disabled, cause Adaxes shows their account expires attribute as "unspecified". AD attribute editor shows as normal "never".

Also I can set this "unspecific" value to accounts ... why?

Looking into account expire property with Powershell I can see "never" has value "9223372036854775807" "unspecified" has value "0" image.png

How can I look for those accounts? I didn't found any filter option.


by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


The behavior is by design in AD. It allows you to have accounts that never expire, that expire on a specific date and that do not have the property specified. In fact, user that have the Account Expires set to 9223372036854775807 or 0 will both never expire. If you want to have a condition that will only be met for users that have the Account Expires set to 0 (unspecified), use the following approach: image.png

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