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I'd like the change the behavior of the account expires field from end of the day meaning 12am the next day to a specific time on the date specified.

Example 5pm on August 2nd instead of 12am on August 3rd.

The business rule I started out errors out for looping through. How would I change this and not create a loop?

I got the idea from here: https://mikefrobbins.com/2013/12/12/set ... owershell/

by (1.2k points)

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by (299k points)
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The loop appears because the value set by the Modify the user action meets the conditions specified for the Business Rule. To avoid this and still set the Account Expires property as desired, you can use the Run a program or PowerShell script action with the below script instead of the Modify the user action. The script will update the Account Expires property directly in Active Directory, thus the Business Rule will not trigger again and there will be no corresponding record in Adaxes logs.

$valueToSet = "%accountExpires,,17:00%" # TODO: modify me

# Update the user
$Context.TargetObject.Put("accountExpires", $valueToSet)

Brilliant, thank you!

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