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I installed the older version of 64 bit Windows Azure Active Directory Module as referenced here: Could not load file or assembly

and the 64-bit version of the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant.

But when trying to connect using my Global Admin account for 0365, I get the above error.

I am able to connect via Azure AD Module directly with the credentials, so I have confirmed that.

by (1.5k points)


Can you do the following for troubleshooting purposes:

  1. On the computer where Adaxes Service is installed, start the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell from the Start screen.

  2. In the module, execute the following script:

     $credential = Get-Credential
     Connect-MsolService -Credential $credential
  3. When prompted for credentials, enter the username and password for your Office 365 Tenant. Does the module manage to connect? If not, what is the error message?


Yes, that works fine:


Any idea's on this? I did go through and reinstall the Sign-In assistant and Azure Powershell just in case, but still can't connect with adaxes, only directly through powershell.



Actually, that's puzzling. Adaxes uses exactly the same code as we provided above to connect to Office 365 Tenants. Can you double-check that the credentials you specify in Adaxes are the correct credentials? Also, did you enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Office 365? Is the user you specified required to pass MFA when logging in?


Credentials are good, and no MFA.

Actually, I'm now figuring out what's failing... Adaxes uses the Service Account that's assigned to the Softerra Adaxes Service. When I launch Powershell with that account and try it fails. If I use another account, like my Domain Admin one, it works. I don't think it permission related, becuase if I go to another workstation with Azure installed, and run the command as the Service Account it works. That's weird. So something isn't right on that server where it's installed with that particular service account.

Since I know atleast one account I can use that works on that server, what steps need to be taken to switch the service account?



Again, what options do I have for changing the service user?



Actually, that's not so simple. For that purpose you will need to completely reinstall Adaxes Service. Maybe, it would be better to solve the admin account issue? What error do you get when launching PowerShell? Can you attach here a screenshot?

1 Answer

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by (1.5k points)
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Best answer

I finally got it. That service user wasn't getting the proxy settings. I force the proxy settings, and it worked. PHewww.. Thanks for the help.



I have the same problem. How do you force the proxy settings with the service user?

Thanks for your reply.


To force the proxy, I used NETSH.

Here's an article on how to look and set it. http://winplat.net/2012/04/06/configure ... r-2008-r2/



Thanks for your reply.


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