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Good Morning,

Interesting issue, newly created users created in Adaxes don't show AD group membership when viewing in Adaxes but the groups show normally in AD.

Users previously existing before we implemented Adaxes show group memberships fine in both AD and Adaxes.

Users being compared are in the same OU, any idea why users crearted in Adaxes cannot see the groups while other users appear fine?

by (290 points)


What exactly do you mean by don't show AD group membership? Does it happen in the Web interface or in the Administration console? Please, describe the issue in all the possible details with live examples and screenshots. If there is something you cannot post here, please, send the details to support@adaxes.com.


When viewing a user in the web interface for a recently created user (user was created yesterday), Adaxes shows only 1 of 5 AD Group Memberships.

When viewing existing users in AD made prior to Adaxes, all AD Memberships show in the Web Interface.

Both users in question share the same OU and similar groups also stored in similar OU's.

Groups show normally for both users in the Console.



Thank you for clarifying. Do we understand correctly that the two users are members of the very same groups, but when you go Adaxes Web interface for one of the users you see only 1 group in the Member Of section?

For troubleshooting purposes, please, log in with the credentials of the Adaxes service account (specified during the software installation). Does the issue persist then?


I was able to figure this out, even though the users had permissions to the OU where the groups were, we had the view configured in Adaxes to make the users OU we use as the "top node".

Since the groups OU and Users OU are laterally on the same AD level, I had to show the domain root instead of the OU and set permissions to deny user creation in the Groups OU to prevent accidental creations.

Thanks for the help!

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