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According to your SDK for Get-AdmUser, you can use criteria for filtering if the adaxes service is specified, can you please give an example of how this is done? I've tried creating a criterior, which seems to work, but I can't see how to use this with the Get-AdmUser command.

Also, how would it be possible to see the results of the New-AdmCriteria command, all I can see is

ObjectTypes {user}

but I can't find a way to expand the results.



by (2.0k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)

Hello Matt,

According to your SDK for Get-AdmUser, you can use criteria for filtering if the adaxes service is specified, can you please give an example of how this is done?

The article does not say about using criteria with the cmdlet parameter. It states that the criteria expression can be used. There is no need to build an object of criteria class.

Also, how would it be possible to see the results of the New-AdmCriteria command, all I can see is

What exactly do you mean? What would you like to see?

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