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After updating all built-in reports to initial state, I have noticed that there are a few reports that need some criteria in JSON format, and the filed Criteria (JSON) is blank.

For example the Object not protected from deletion report (see image below).


Is this the expected behaviour?
And if yes, how do you work with JSON Criteria? At least, what is the syntax to include all objects?

by (90 points)

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Is this the expected behaviour?

Yes, the behavior is by design because the report is not meant for generation out of the box (it is actually disabled). It is only used as base for other reports. If you want to use the report as is, copy it and remove the Criteria (JSON) parameter from the copy.

And if yes, how do you work with JSON Criteria?

The easiest way is to build criteria and then convert it to JSON in a script. For example:

# Build criteria
$criteria = New-AdmCriteria "user"

# Convert criteria to JSON and output
$json = $criteria.ToJson($NULL)
$Context.LogMessage($json, "Information")

For information on how to build criteria, see https://adaxes.com/sdk/HowDoI.BuildCriteria.

At least, what is the syntax to include all objects?

It is just {}.


Got it. Thank you very much

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