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Hi I've created a new adaxes configuration and limited access to do things based on the 'actions' section: only create, modify, delete contacts are available.

Added myself to ensure the setup works as desired and logged and performed actions successfully. Note that my account has access to many configurations (refer to this as 'admin account' for below).

Added a new user who doesn't have any other access to Adaxes and after entering their credentials they're presented with

Fatal Error

Failed to get the top level node for the Web Interface. Object 'Company' does not exist.

I presume 'Company' is the OU I have selected.

I tested this out with another brand new user in an incognito browser and receive the same error. If I first log in using the incognito browser as my 'admin account', log off, immediately log in as the test user, they're able to use the interface.

If I clear cookies (or reopen incognito) and log in as the new user the same Fatal error is presented.

I haven't had this with other configurations I've configured. I suspect is the first config I've made since updating to version 3.16.21408.0.

How can I resolve this error? Thanks

by (20 points)

My issue was related to the security role: it required 'Allow: Read: User' and 'Allow: Read: Organization unit' in order for the homepage to display.

From the Adaxes console:

Adaxes > %Server% > Configuration > Security roles > %role%

Add two permissions above

Assign to user or security group.

Assigned over = the same OU as specified in the %new onfiguration% > Browsing > Navigation > Top level node.



That is not quite right. Only one permission is required. A user cannot be specified as top level not as such you only need to delegate the permission to view the Organizational Unit.

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


The issue occurs because the account does not have the permissions to actually see the container specified as top level node for the Web interface. By permissions we mean those granted by Adaxes security roles. For information on how to check/change the container, have a look at the corresponding section of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/PreventUsersFromViewingTheStructure/#change-top-level-node.

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