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Hello - I have configured some custom property patterns for office location and Department and am seeing a drop down list when attempting to create a new user limited to the information I want .

However when I try and do the same for the description field , nothing shows up and neither does a drop down list.

Is this therefore only limited to some AD attributes and not others ?

by (50 points)


nothing shows up and neither does a drop down list

Do we understand correctly that the Description field is not present when you are trying to create a user?

Does the Activity Scope of the Property Pattern include the OU where you are trying to create a user?


Hello - and thanks for your reply .

The property pattern is created and correctly assigned in the same way as attributes such as Office which are working correctly in the same form.

The problem is that the description field appears in the web console new user create form but does not present a drop down list of the four or five options I have provided in the property pattern . It only provides a blank form to fill with any text. Am I doing something wrong or is there a limitation to this attribute in the form ? If so - please let me know what attributes I can use that will accept a drop down list ( defined by the property pattern

I am using this field to generate some logical business rules based on what the help desk picks but need to be certain that only the four options provided are input from the property pattern "Must be on the of the following values field" . If I make the field mandatory , the form checks for input data but does not provide the needed drop down.

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by (299k points)
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is there a limitation to this attribute in the form ?

No, there is none.

the description field appears in the web console new user create form but does not present a drop down list of the four or five options I have provided in the property pattern

You need to check Property Patterns that affect users in the container where you are trying to create a new user. For information on how to do so, have a look at the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManagePrope ... jects.html. The issue can occur if there is more than one Property Pattern that has a drop-down configured for the property.


Thankyou for the response - the issue was indeed cause by a second description field created as a test for another piece of work .

I do appreciate your time in assisting me. :mrgreen:

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