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I am trying to use a script to set a users AccountExpires attribute. However, I want there to be an approval sent and I am misunderstanding how the to script the approval. Here is what I have but does not send the operation to an approval. Try{ Set-AdmUser -Identity $SAM -AccountExpirationDate $TermDate -AdaxesService localhost $approvers = @( "CN=spedifiedUserDN") $managerOfRequestorIsApprover = $False $Context.SubmitForApproval($approvers, $managerOfRequestorIsApprover, $false, $false, $false) }

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

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by (14.5k points)


The thing is the SubmitForApproval method submits an approval request for the operation that caused the script execution, not the operations performed in the script where the method is called. For example, if the script is executed in a custom command, the execution of the command will be submitted for approval. The approach from the script you provided will not work. The thing is in this case, the Set-AdmUser cmdlet will be executed first (which will actually update the user) and only then the execution of the operation will be sent for approval. For more details about submitting for approval using a PowerShell script, have a look at the corresponding section of the following SDK article: https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/ServerSideScripting/#submitting-for-approval. To achieve the required, there is no need to submit for approval in the script itself. You can simply enable the Get approval for this action option in the configuration of the Run a program or PowerShell script action. image.png If this is not what you meant, please, provide us with all the possible details regarding the required behavior with screenshots and live examples. You can post the screenshots here or send them to us at support@adaxes.com.

In a script, can we trigger a custom command?

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