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Hi team,

currently the loading of "My managed objects" is timing out for some users after exact 1 minute with error image.png

DevTools showing me 504 image.png

Timing image.png

I assume its because of so many AD objects needs to be checked and some users have access to 20+ groups.

Can I increase this timeout or speed up loading in backend?

Will this also be cached in current browser session? I see for other users each time I open homepage its loading again and again and take some times.

by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (15.5k points)


Can I increase this timeout or speed up loading in backend?

There is no such timeout in Adaxes itself. Most probably, you are using a load balancer or a proxy server that has the timeout set for 60 seconds. Additionally, in the latest Adaxes version (2023.2 Update 3, build number 3.16.21906) we improved the performance when generating the My managed objects content pane on the Web interface home page. For details, have a look at the corresponding section of the following What’s New article: https://www.adaxes.com/info_whats-new_2023.2.htm#update3. If you are using an earlier version of Adaxes, we suggest considering the possibility of an upgrade. For information on how to check your Adaxes service version, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion. For upgrade instructions, have a look at the corresponding section of the installation guide: https://www.adaxes.com/help/InstallationGuide/#upgrade. Also, if you have charts on the home screen, you can consider disabling them, which will also increase the overall performance of the Web interface home page. For information on how to customize the Home page, have a look at this tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CustomizeTheHomePage.

Will this also be cached in current browser session?

No, each time the page is refreshed, the list of managed objects is retrieved from the Adaxes service.



I checked our load balancer settings and added a timeout of 180 seconds.

Now there is no error anymore, but also no groups shown. I have at least access to 10+ groups to manage them.

Is there a difference how Adaxes fetch my managed objects? Will groups managed by another group and I am member of this group be included? Or only groups were my user is set explicit as manager?

We are already running latest version of Adaxes, including Update 3.

No, each time the page is refreshed, the list of managed objects is retrieved from the Adaxes service.

Is there any plan to change this in future to increase speed for this objects?

Screenshots: image.png image.png image.png image.png




Now there is no error anymore, but also no groups shown. I have at least access to 10+ groups to manage them.

Please, make sure that the account whose credentials are used to sign in to the Adaxes Web interface has the permissions to view the groups. By permissions here, we mean those that are granted by Adaxes security roles. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/HideObjectsFromUsers.

Additionally, please, make sure that the Web interface is configured to display the groups in question. The following tutorial should be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ControlObjectsDisplayedInWebInterface.


Is there a difference how Adaxes fetch my managed objects?

The My managed objects content pane always uses the same logic to display objects.


Will groups managed by another group and I am member of this group be included? Or only groups were my user is set explicit as manager?

If the currently signed-in user is a member of Group A, and the group is specified in the Managed By property of Group B, the Group B will be displayed in the My managed objects content pane while the Web interface is configured to display the group.


Is there any plan to change this in future to increase speed for this objects?

Yes, we have plans to improve the performance of the My managed objects content pane. However, there is no ETA at the moment.

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