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Is this possible?

We have a potential use case where we want to "natively" query AD using LDAP, but want to be able to leverage custom attributes\data in Adaxes, so wondering if we can query the LDS instance and access both native and custom attributes etc.

Many Thanks

by (1.6k points)

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by (216k points)
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Yes, this is possible. You even have several options:

  • You can install only the ADSI Provider component of Adaxes on a computer without installing any other components. In this case, you will be able to access Adaxes Service installed on any computer in the same network and manipulate it using ADSI scripts. For information on how to install the ADSI API on a computer, see the following article: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?HowDoI.Insta ... vider.html.

  • You can install and use the Adaxes PowerShell Module and use the cmdlets contained in it to access the custom attributes. When using the cmdlets, you need to perform all operations using an Adaxes Service. To do this, pass the service address via the -AdaxesService parameter supported by all cmdlets. How to install: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?HowDoI.Insta ... odule.html.

  • You can access Adaxes custom attributes and other data using the LDAP protocol directly. All information is stored on Adaxes configuration server, which is an AD LDS instance installed on the same computer where Adaxes Service runs. You can use any LDAP tool or mechanism that supports management of LDAP instances to connect to it. Connection information:

    • AD LDS instance name: AdaxesBackend;
    • Connection port: see below for information on how to find it;
    • Partition name: CN=Adaxes
    • Instance administrator: the default service administrator that you specified when installing Adaxes Service.

    When connected to the specified partition, you will be able to find Custom Attributes in the following container: CN=Extending Objects,CN=Adaxes Configuration,CN=Adaxes. Each AD object that has Custom Attributes is represented as a sub-container located under the Extending Objects container. The name of the container corresponds to the Object GUID property of the corresponding AD object.

    How to find out the port used by Adaxes configuration server:

    1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
    2. Right-click your Adaxes service.
    3. Click Properties.

      The configuration server FQDN and backend port will be displayed on the General tab.

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