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I have a lot of rule-based groups which are updated every day at 5 a.m.

  1. but now I would like to change the synchronization time for all groups, for example to update every evening at 6 o'clock, or every 12 hours. How can I change this for all groups so that I don't have to edit all groups individually?
  2. and is it possible that the groups are updated as soon as a new user is created? so that I don't have to wait until 6 o'clock every evening for the groups to be added to the new user? Or can a custom command be created which updates all groups when executed?

Many thanks for your help! D.

by (320 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


How can I change this for all groups so that I don't have to edit all groups individually?

Do we understand correctly that you want to update all the existing rule-based groups schedule with the same time? If that is correct, it can be done using a custom command and a script. The script will search for rule-based groups and update them altogether. The following article will be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/IAdmGroup2.

and is it possible that the groups are updated as soon as a new user is created?

It can only be done using a script. You can execute it in a business rule triggering After creating a user. The script will bind to the corresponding groups and execute method UpdateMembershipNow as described in the article we referenced above.


that's great, thank you very much. What if I need to add another query? Say $groupDNs remains as it is, but I only want all English-speaking members, i.e. preferred language is EN. so that would be the rules: image.png

And how can I set the "look in (OU)" of the query?

thx a lot



You will need to create a membership rule of the Query results type (i.e. ADMBUSINESSUNITMEMBERSHIPTYPEQUERY) and fill it with the required criteria. The following article will be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/IAdmBusinessUnitQueryRule.


like this?

    # Include users by Query Rule
    $rule.BaseObjectDnTemplate = "%adm-ParentDN%"
    $rule.Exclude = $false
    $rule.Scope = "ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE"
    $criteria = New-AdmCriteria "user" {directMemberOf -eq $groupDN -and preferredLanguage -eq "EN"}

how can I set the OU where the query should search the groups and members?



You can use the BaseObjectPath or BaseObjectDnTemplate property.


top thx

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