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I am wanting to write a script to have Adaxes add/remove all authorized DHCP Servers in the domain to a certain security group weekly. Dynamically adding and removing machines from the group depending on if their authorization status changes. Also need this logged in the execution log for what is added and removed. I know I can use Get-DhcpServerInDC command to get a list, but this is not in a DN Format for a variable. It's just the FQDN.


I am looking to run this in scheduled tasks as a weekly command using the run powershell command. If you have a better soulution then PS, then let me know.

Thanks in advance!

by (20 points)


Unfortunately, we were not able to find much information on DHCP computers that would help us suggest a solution. Are they available in AD as computer objects? If so, do you see those in Adaxes?

What exactly do you mean by authorization status? Is it stored in an AD property?



I do not believe they have any values currently in AD, otherwise I would use the standard If Property Value Equals X, then add to group.

However you can see from the screenshot, that it populates a list as FDQN for the machine. I wondered if there was a way to pass the result list and maybe have the directory Searcher find matching accounts in AD?

I know how to get the list, but the question is how do you pass the results into Adaxes? Can Adaxes take a result list and pass it as a paramater?


1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Thank you for clarifying. In this case, using a script is the only way. Unfortunately, we do not have any scripts on this topic and won’t be able to assist you with one as it is not related to Adaxes functionality. However, our SDK might be helpful: https://adaxes.com/sdk/ServerSideScripting.

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