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I'm trying to implement the script on https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/changes-in-group-membership-including-changes-made-by-3rd-party-tools-s289.htm. I added my email address as the $to and set the $savedMembersAttribute to the group's %ExtensionAttribute1%. When I run the script, nothing happens. No email is sent and %ExtensionAttribute1% is not populated. I'm looking for some help getting the script to run correctly.

Note the scheduled task is set to run hourly on Domain Admins, and Exchange Admin "group" objects.


by (110 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


As it is mentioned in the script description, the $savedMembersAttribute variable must be set to an LDAP name of an attribute, not a value reference. Also, it must be a binary attribute, not a text one. Lastly, make sure that scheduled task includes the Domain Admins group itself in the Activity Scope, not its members.


can you provide an example of this?

"$savedMembersAttribute variable must be set to an LDAP name of an attribute, not a value reference. Also, it must be a binary attribute, not a text one."



There is an example in the script itself. Here is another one:

$savedMembersAttribute = "adm-CustomAttributeBinary5" # TODO: modify me

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