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Is there a way to set the time that the automatic self-service enrollment invitation email is sent? (the one sent if the box is checked on the policy)

Additionally, is there any way for this email, and the password reset notification email to be HTML format? They appear to only allow plain text when editing the policy.

by (220 points)

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by (299k points)
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Is there a way to set the time that the automatic self-service enrollment invitation email is sent?


Additionally, is there any way for this email, and the password reset notification email to be HTML format?



Can you add these 2 things to a feature request list?

Is there some other way I can use business rules or scheduled tasks to send the "Password Reset Notification" email, as opposed to using the feature that's part of the policy.



Can you add these 2 things to a feature request list?

We have added the features to our TODO list.

Is there some other way I can use business rules or scheduled tasks to send the "Password Reset Notification" email, as opposed to using the feature that's part of the policy.

Yes, you can create a Business Rule that will trigger After Self-resetting password. For information on how to create the rule, have a look at the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_SelfSer ... dReset.htm. On step 4 of the tutorial, select Send e-mail notification.

To send the notification in HTML format, select in from the drop-down list.

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