we are in a migration phase from Exchange onPrem to Exchange Online.
Since not all of our sites will be migrated at one time we are looking into a way to migrate new users from sites which already have been migrated directly at the onboarding workflow.
For this goal we created a step in the business rules which looks at the department number.
- if it is set to a number already migrated,
- Do an AD Connect sync
- a Microsoft 365 license will be applied (group-based)
- a script runs with which migrates the mailbox to exchange online
- $Context.TargetObject.CreateMoveMailboxToM365Request($remoteServer, $targetDeliveryDomain, $badItemLimit, $largeItemLimit)
However we lack the response if the migration has been successfull or if there have been any errors. is it possible to set an alerting / sending out a mail if the batch is not succesful?
Thanks and KR