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I'm configuring a new domain with Adaxes 2017.1 from scratch and am trying to properly establish user tasks in as streamlined a fashion as possible, and I have some questions:

1)Creating a contact - I've created the Home Page Actions, Security Role and Business Rule necessary to create an Exchange-enabled contact. Is this the proper way to do Contact creation - the user creates the contact in AD and the Business Rule handles the Exchange enabling part?

2) Modifying a contact - I can successfully modify contact AD properties, but not Exchange ones. What sort of business rule do I set up to handle things like email address changes in Exchange on a contact? Currently, my Modify Contact task will change the email address or name or whatever property in AD, but will not update the Exchange side to match.

Any assistance would be appreciated!

by (190 points)

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by (295k points)
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Is this the proper way to do Contact creation - the user creates the contact in AD and the Business Rule handles the Exchange enabling part?


What sort of business rule do I set up to handle things like email address changes in Exchange on a contact?

You can use the Exchange Properties section to modify Exchange properties of a Contact in the Web Interface. If the section is absent, have a look at the following tutorial to add it starting from step 6: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... tomization.


Thank you for your reply.

I see the steps for adding Exchange properties in the View menu in the tutorial you listed, but I'm trying to allow the user to modify them via a 'modify' action on the homepage.

From the user perspective, the workflow should be - Sign in to the Adaxes front-end, select Modify Contact (which already has my customized form), select the contact to modify, input the properties, and save.

My custom form already displays all the AD fields the user cares about - name, address, email address, etc., but when a change is made to the Email address in particular, it will only change that field in AD not in Exchange. For creation, I have a business rule that adds the email address to Exchange when a contact is created, and I want to do something similar for modification.

Please let me know if that's unclear at all, as I know the terminology involved here is all very general. Thank you for the guidance.



There is no possibility to add Exchange properties section to the Modify Contact Home Page Action. We will consider adding the option in the future releases of Adaxes.
For now, you can use one of the following workarounds:

  1. Create a View ContactHome Page Action. Users will be able to select the Contact and then click Edit in the Exchange properties section to modify Exchange properties of the Contact.
  2. Create an Edit Exchange Properties of Mail-Enabled Contact Home Page Action.

    Users will be able to select the Contact and then edit its Exchange Properties.

Thank you for your response. I was able to get it working using the second method - my question now is how to restrict what fields are available in that dialog. I want my users to be able to edit external SMTP addresses of contacts, but not X500s. Ideally they won't even see X500 addresses, just SMTP. Is that possible?

Additionally, when I tried method #1, I was able to get the Exchange properties to display and be editable in the View Contact dialog as you suggested, but when I make a change to the SMTP address I get the following error:

"Invalid Email Address: The primary X500 address is not specified."

Not sure what that's about as contacts don't have a 'primary' x500 address, I assume it's a bug.



The issue is caused by DirSync. For some reason, it adds an X500 address to each user and contact during synchronization. Usually, Exchange requires for each type of proxy addresses to have a primary one, but the X500 addresses added by DirSync are not set as primary, which results in the error. To remedy the issue, we suggest creating a Scheduled Task that sets the X500 addresses added by DirSync as primary. We tested the solution in our environment, and there were no issues.

To create the Scheduled Task:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.

  2. Right-click your Adaxes service node, navigate to New and click Scheduled Task.

  3. On step 3 of the Create Scheduled Task wizard, select Contact Object type.

  4. Click Add Action and select Run a program or a PowerShell script.

  5. Paste the script below into the Script field.

     $contactParams = $Context.TargetObject.GetMailParameters()
     $emailAddresses = $contactParams.EmailAddresses
     $x500Addresses = $emailAddresses.GetAddressesByPrefix("x500")
     $x500Addresses[0].IsPrimary = $True
     $contactParams.EmailAddresses = $emailAddresses
     $Context.TargetObject.SetMailParameters($contactParams, "ADM_SET_EXCHANGE_PARAMS_FLAGS_NONE")
  6. Enter a short description and click OK.

  7. Double-click Always and select If <property><relation><value>.

  8. Select If Email proxy addresses starts with x500.

  9. Select Value is case-sensitive and click OK.

  10. Right-click the action you have created and click Add Condition in the context menu.

  11. Select If <property><relation><value>.

  12. Select If Email proxy addresses does not start with X500.

  13. Select Value is case-sensitive and click OK.

  14. Finish creating the Scheduled Task.

You should have the following Scheduled Task configuration:


Thank you for the reply. My primary concern, however, is getting a workflow that allows users to modify the external SMTP address of an Exchange-enabled contact without being able to modify (or even seeing, really) the X500 address.

If that can be done via a business rule, like I asked in an earlier post, or if I can simply mask the non-external SMTP address portions of the Exchange properties dialog, I'll be set.

When creating a brand new contact, for example, the contact is created in AD and a business rule sets the same AD SMTP address as the Exchange external SMTP address and the contact works perfectly. It would make sense that a similar configuration could be done for contact modification, right?

How should I go about this?



You need to create a Business Rule that will trigger After Updating a Contact. The rule will update the external address to match the AD email address if the latter has changed and is not empty. To create such a rule:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. Right-click your Adaxes service node, navigate to New and click Business Rule.
  3. On step 2 of the Create Business Rule wizard, select Contact Object type.
  4. Select After Updating a Contact and click Next.
  5. Click Add Action.
  6. Select Modify Exchange properties and click Edit.
  7. Activate the E-Mail Address tab, select Modify e-mail addresses and click Add.
  8. Enter %mail% into the E-mail address field and click OK .
  9. Uncheck Replace existing e-mail addresses with the ones specifies and click OK twice.
  10. Right-click the action you have created and click Add Condition.
  11. Select If <property> changed.
  12. Select If Email has changed and click OK.
  13. Right-click the action you have created and click Add Condition again.
  14. Select If <property><relation><value>.
  15. Select If Email is not empty and click OK.
  16. Finish creating the Business Rule.

You should have something like the following:

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